Greeting’s I’m your Transformational Interventionist ™and Treatment Strategy® Specialist.
You can find out more about me by clicking my name below:
Dr. Rickard

If you or a loved one are in trouble and need help navigating through a desperate situation,
whether it be due to a mental health concern, behavioral health concern, Addiction or Substance Abuse concern,
You have come to the right place.
Help is just seconds away.
If you are a medical or clinical professional needing to find treatment options for your patient
or need private consultation, click the button below to connect with me directly.
As a Doctor I help people find health and well-being in their lives. As an Transformational Interventionist, I help a wide variety of people with Addiction, Alcoholism, Mental Health and Behavioral Health concerns.
More importantly, I help people achieve their long-term goals.
I take away much of the overwhelm and guess-work that most families experience.
My services support not just the individual with the initial concern, my services support the entire system; family, friends, treatment placement, court cases and much much more.
If you or someone you know is struggling, I am here to help.
Get help now.
You deserve it.

I met Dr. Rickard at a time in my life when I felt hugely stuck. I had exhausted all known avenues of improvement, and, emotionally and psychologically exhausted, I had resigned to the inevitability that I would spend the rest of my life cycling through hospitals and treatment facilities.
In our first meeting, Dr. Rickard told me that it was possible for my life to improve and even radically transform, but I would need to show up, listen, and it would not happen overnight because “life isn’t linear.” That brief conversation and our time spent together had a profound impact on the trajectory of my life. At the time I would have done anything within power to change my situation for the better, I simply did not have the tools to do so on my own. With Dr. Rickard’s help, today, I have a great relationship with my family. I am happy and healthy, something my former self would scarcely believe possible. Finding someone who understands mental health and addiction that genuinely cares as much as Dr. Rickard is an acutely rare find. I am ever so fortunate.
Charlie L.
More about Dr. Rickard
Transformational Interventionist™ Rickard Elmore, PhD is a respected leader in Advanced Personal Development. His services are to help his Clients further their road to transformation while considering the following questions; Is it life? Is it addiction? Is it a mental health problem? Or are you wanting a deeper connection with your higher self?
With over two decades of experience, Dr. Rickard has built an extensive network of healthcare professionals and personal development specialists to provide custom and individualized therapeutic options for people and their families. Providing a strong foundation with his skills as an Treatment Strategy® specialist, Dr. Rickard’s passion for finding his clients personalized solutions has guided countless individuals into health and wellbeing.