Is it Possible to be Addicted to Adderall?

Adderall is a legal medication prescribed by medical professionals to help treat disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Identified as a stimulant, Adderall is made of four salts of amphetamine. Designed to treat those with ADHD, it has become increasingly easier to obtain. Though it is helpful in some ways, it can certainly still pose a threat to one’s health. By learning more about Adderall and how it can affect the body, you can avoid any potential negative effects.

What Makes it Addictive?

If Adderall is used as a treatment, how could it possibly be addictive or harmful to one’s health? Even though Adderall has proven to be effective for treating ADHD, this does not mean it is not addictive. 

In order to serve as an aid for those with ADHD, Adderall works by increasing both dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the body. Norepinephrine is responsible for how the brain responds to outside events. It can alter how the brain pays attention and the speed at which it can react to things. Dopamine creates and gives off feelings of happiness and pleasure within the mind and body. Since Adderall causes even more dopamine to be released than the body is used to, the user can quickly become addicted. 

It is relatively easy to become addicted to Adderall because of its ability to create a tolerance within the body. Over time, its effects may lessen, thus requiring more to elicit the same effect as before. However, if a person truly needs Adderall and is using it as was prescribed, it is not harmful and will benefit their overall health. Those not following doctors’ orders or who use it recreationally are more apt to develop issues with this substance.

Signs of Possible Addiction

It is essential to be aware of the signs of potential addiction to Adderall. Although symptoms can differ from person to person, being aware of possible symptoms of an Adderall addiction can be worthwhile. Someone experiencing an addiction to Adderall  may show the following signs and symptoms:

  • Nervousness or panic
  • Changing the substance’s format (crushing it to snort)
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Sense of being overly secure in life
  • Increasing dosage
  • Neglecting basic responsibilities
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using (fatigue, depression, etc.)
  • Continuing to use Adderall despite not wanting to
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Feeling agitated or paranoid

Who Can Develop an Addiction?

Anyone has the potential to develop an addiction to Adderall. However, some people may be at more risk than others based on lifestyle habits, genetics, and environmental factors. Below is a list of types of people that may be more at risk for developing an addiction to this substance:

#1. College Students 

Students, specifically those in college, who have many assignments with specific deadlines, are more apt to use this substance because of its ability to help the user stay focused and stay awake longer than normal. It may be found more easily on larger campuses as opposed to small campuses. 

#2. Athletes

Due to Adderall’s ability to fight off fatigue, the drug is popular amongst many of today’s athletes. It can give them the ability to practice with more intensity and perform better during various athletic events. 

#3. Those With Eating Disorders

Two side effects that may be especially appealing to people with eating disorders are weight loss and decreased appetite. For individuals struggling with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, the main goal is to lose as much weight as possible to achieve a specific look. Adderall may be especially appealing for them to achieve this particular goal. 

#4. People Suffering From Depression

Struggling with depression can be a trigger for someone to develop an addiction to Adderall. The euphoric feeling that Adderall gives off can be especially appealing for these people to help ease the negative feelings of depression. Some may try to use it as a cure for their depression, ultimately making their depression even worse. 

Seeking Out Adderall

Getting a hold of Adderall for recreational purposes has become incredibly easy within recent years. In some cases, those with prescriptions will give or sell pills to those without prescriptions who wish to use them for recreational purposes. Others will go to their primary care doctor and lie about potential difficulties with concentration to get their own prescription for ulterior purposes. The ease with which this substance can be obtained makes it especially worrisome and potentially concerning to one’s health.

Adderall is a popular drug that is used to treat ADHD. Although it is legal, this does not mean that it does not possess any concerning factors. People can develop an addiction due to its ability to create euphoric feelings, promote concentration, and cause tolerance. A few signs of addiction in users include nausea, paranoia, and inability to control use. Some groups of people who may be more apt to abuse this substance could be college students, athletes, people with eating disorders, and those with depression. Obtaining Adderall in this day in age is not difficult, which only contributes to its ability to be abused. We are aware of this problem at Rickard Elmore Treatment Strategies and want to help. If you or anyone you know struggles with Adderall addiction, we can help intervene and give them the treatment they need to regain their peace and healing. Call us today at (877) 387-7197 to get help.